Response Codes

Response codes are numbers that are associated with response messages and are used to identify specific problem in the system. Response codes are part of the response field response containing a code and a description explaining the code.

Response codes for rejected transactions

Response CodeResponse Description
10001Transaction declined by authorization system.
10002Transaction declined (transaction not permitted).
10003Registration failed.
10005Capture transaction failed.
10006Refund transaction failed.
10007Cancel transaction failed.
10008Registration deletion failed. Please contact support.
10009Member creation failed.
10010Delete token operation failed, kindly contact support desk..
10011Invoice is not generated, please contact support.
10012Invoice canceled failed.
10013Invoice reminder not sent, please contact support.
10014Invoice regeneration failed.
10015OTP creation failed.
10016Merchant signup failed.
10017Token deletion failed.
10018change password failed.
10019OTP Verification Failed.
10020Invoice configuration updation failed.
10021Order ID set failed for invoice.
10022New Password generation failed.
10023Get InvoiceConfig Details Failed.
10024Your Email is Already Verified.
10025Address Details Updation Failed.
10026Your record not found.
10027Get Address Details Failed.
11002Call Voice-authorization number;Initialization Data.
11003Invalid merchant number.
11004Retain card.
11005Authorization declined.
11006Sequence- generation- number error - diagnostics necessary; the POS Terminal must carry out reconciliation with a 0800 message.
11009It indicates a wait message and the POSSystem should expect to wait at most 30 seconds more. The host may send several of these wait messages until the true reply is ready.
11010Partial approval.
11012Invalid transaction.
11013Invalid amount.
11014Invalid card.
11021No action taken.
11030Format Error.
11033Card expired.
11034Suspicion of Manipulation.
11040Requested function not supported.
11043Stolen Card, pick up.
11055Incorrect personal identification number.
11056Card not in authorizer's database.
11057referencing transaction was not carried out with the card which was used for the original transaction.
11058Terminal ID unknown.
11062Restricted Card.
11064The transaction amount of the referencing transaction is higher than the transaction amount of the original transaction.
11065Contactless request declined . retry in contact mode.
11075PIN entered incorrectly too often.
11077PIN entry necessary.
11078The transaction was declined or returned because the cardholder requested that payment of a specific recurring or installment payment transaction be stopped.
11079The transaction was declined or returned because the cardholder requested that payment of all recurring or installment payment transactions for a specific merchant account be stopped.
11080Amount no longer available.
11081Message-flow error85: Cash back declined . pls. retry purchase only.
11091Card issuer temporarily not reachable.
11092The card type is not processed by the authorization center.
11096Processing temporarily not possible.
11097Security breach - MAC check indicates error condition.
11098Date and time not plausible - The POS Terminal must set itself to the date and time of the response message.
11099Error in PAC encryption detected Any other code sent by the Authorization Host = General decline.
11100Not sufficient funds.
11101Invalid Cardholder Name.
111023D Secure Check Failed, Cannot continue transaction.
11103Velocity Check Failed, Transaction exceeds Total transaction count, Level - Terminal.
11104Transaction not permitted to cardholder.
11105Transaction timed out.
11106Decline for cvv2 failure.
11107Duplicate transaction.
11108Exceeds withdrawal limit.
11109Lost card (Contact Bank).
11110Stolen card.
11111System Error, Please contact System Admin.
11112No Payment and Card type found..
11113Saved transaction receipt request not proceeded..
11115Abandon Transaction.
11116Do not Honor.
11117Scoring failed.
11118General Decline.
11119Invaid CVN.
11120Credit limit exceed.
11121Closed account.
90027Merchant logout failed..

Response codes for successful and pending transactions

Response CodeResponse Description
200Token generated successfully.
10004Transaction is pending.
90026ThreeD Authentication Pending.
00008Cards or account details retrieved successfully.
00009Merchant successfully created.
00002Registration successful.
00024Get Address Details SuccessFully.
00003Registration successfully deleted.
00025Address Details Updated SuccessFully.
00022Get InvoiceConfig Details SuccessFully.
00001Transaction succeeded.
00023Verification Mail Sent SuccessFully.
00006Transaction cancelled successfully.
00028Transaction receipt saved successfully..
00007Cardholder successfully registered.
00029Transaction details retrived successfully..
00004Transaction captured successfully.
00026Your record found successfully.
00005Transaction refunded successfully.
00027Payment and Card type details retrieved successfully..
00020Invoice configuration updated successfully.
00019Order ID get successfully for invoice.
00013Invoice regenerated successfully.
00035SMS Send Successfully.
00014Invoice found successfully.
00011Invoice cancelled successfully.
00012Invoice reminder sent successfully.
00034Mail Send Successfully.
00017Successful OTP verification.
00018Password Generated Successfully and Mail sent.
00015OTP created successfully.
00016Password changed successfully.
00031Token Regenerated Successfully.
00010Invoice generated succesfully.
00030Merchant logout successfully..

Response codes for system checks

Response CodeResponse Description
401Authorization Failed.
403Token generation forbidden.
11000Approved or completed successfully.
11122API Rate limit is exceeded.
20001Kindly pass numeric value in paymode.
20002Kindly pass numeric value in cardtype.
20003Kindly pass numeric value in terminal ID.
20004Unauthorized member..
20005Account ID-payment mode or card type or currency requested by you is not valid for your account. Please check your Technical specification..
20006Amount greater than maximum transaction amount.
20007Amount less than minimum transaction amount.
20008Terminal ID provided by you is not valid for your account. Please check your technical specification..
20009Terminal ID is not active for your account. Please check your technical specification..
20010Amount is greater than the maximum transaction amount.
20011Amount is less than the minimum transaction amount.
20012Member's account daily amount limits exceeded. Please check your technical specs and create a support request.
20013Member's account weekly amount limits exceeded. Please check your technical specs and create a support request.
20014Member's account monthly amount limits exceeded. Please check your technical specs or visit and create a support request.
20015Merchant's IP is not white listed with us. Kindly contact the support desk..
20016Error while generating checksum. CheckSum mismatch.
20017Checksum illegal access, checkSum mismatch.
20018JPY currency does not have cent value after decimal. Please give .00 as decimal value.
20019Description can not be empty.
20020Your transaction is already being processed. Kindly try to place transaction with unique MerchantTransactionID..
20021Amount must be greater than Rs 10.
20022Amount must be greater than 10 cents.
20023Error- the merchant account is not set to LIVE mode. This could happen if there is any incomplete formality from the merchant side. Please contact support so that they can activate your account..
20024Recurring functionality is not allowed for account. Please contact support for help.
20025Your IP address is blocked. Please contact support for further assistance.
20026Your email address is blocked. Please contact support for further assistance.
20027Your country is blocked. Please contact support for further assistance.
20028Your daily card limit exceeded. Please contact your administrator..
20029Your weekly card limit exceeded. Please contact your administrator..
20030Your monthly card limit exceeded. Please contact your administrator..
20031Your credit card is blocked. Please contact support for further assistance.
20032Invalid Visa card.
20033Invalid Master card.
20034Invalid Amex card.
20035Invalid Diners card.
20036Invalid credit card number.
20037ERROR! Your card number is not whitelisted ..
20038Requested card is not supported. Please contact support desk.
20039Daily card volume amount limits exceeded. Please contact your administrator.
20040Weekly card volume amount limits exceeded. Please contact your administrator.
20041Monthly card volume amount limits exceeded. Please contact your administrator.
20042Invalid/Restricted ticket amount..
20043Your transaction is processed, please use unique merchantTransactionID.
20044Transaction not found from provided payment ID..
20045Captured transaction can not be cancelled..
20046Refund amount and tracking ID must match.
20047Refund reason and tracking ID must match.
20048Please do not capture more then 10 transactions in single capture call.
20049Capture amount and tracking ID must match.
20050Merchant and partner combination not found..
20051User authorization failed, user has no sufficient rights to process transaction.
20052This functionality is not supported for your gateway. Kindly contact technical support for assistant..
20053Please provide all the address details while placing transaction..
20054Invalid bank name or bank not allowed.
20055Account ID-payment brand or payment mode or currency requested by you is not valid for your account. Please check your technical specification.
20056Registration functionality is not supported for this account. Please contact support for help..
20057The recurring transaction is already in INITIAL state.
20058The transaction is not in INITIAL state.
20059Unauthorized partner.
20060Invalid gateway type.
20061Terminal ID-payment brand or payment mode or currency requested by you is not valid for your account. Please check your technical specification.
20062Your customer name is blocked. Please contact support for further assistance.
20063Refund is not allowed for this member ID, Please contact support for more details.
20064Member account amount limit exceeded. Please check your technical specification.
20065Requested customer not found.
20066Merchant Required for registeration.
20067Transaction already cancelled.
20068Merchant required to proceed the list of card and account request.
20069Merchant can not proceed to list of card and account request.
20070Partner required for registration.
20071capture amount is greater than auth amount.
20072Merchant can not proceed the registration.
20073Partner's IP is not white listed with us. Kindly Contact the Support Desk..
20074Merchant can not proceed delete token request, kindly contact support desk..
20075Terminal ID provided by you is not valid for your merchants..
20076Terminal ID provided by you is not valid for registration..
20077Invoice is already cancelled.
20078InvoiceId not found..
20079Invalid currency.
20080Registration id already deleted.
20081No record found.
20082Invoice is processed.
20083Your daily email transactions limit exceeded.Please contact your administrator.
20084Payment type or card type or currency is not valid.
20085Merchant login failed.
20086OTP sent.
20087Cannot regenerate invoice.
20088Invalid tracking ID/ customer acc number given for the payout transaction.
20089You cannot cancel invoice.
20090You cannot remind expired invoice.
20091Password must not be last 5 passwords.
20092Invalid Debit Card.
20093Invoice is already present with requested order ID, please try to generate invoice with unique order ID.
20094Member is NOT set for generating invoice of specified currency..
20100Payout option is not available for your account. Please contact customer support.
20101Invalid tracking ID/ customer acc number given for the payout transaction.
20102Login Name already exist, please try different Login Name..
20103Split invoice functionality is not allowed for this merchant, Please contact support to activate the same..
20104Your Email ID or Card number is not whitelisted, Please contact support.
20105Invalid Maestro card.
20106Invalid Discover card.
20107Invalid InstaPayment card.
20108Invalid JCB card.
20109System internal error occured.
20110Invalid card expiry date.
20111Multiple Refund Not Allowed .
20112BIN IP country mismatch.
20113Transaction can not be processed with provided Email.
20114Transaction can not be processed with provided Card.
20115Token Inactivated.
20116Card Limit exceeded,Please contact your Administrator.
20117Transaction not permitted.
20118 Your Card Details are not whitelisted.
20119Installment is not Supported. Kindly Contact the Paymentz Support Desk..
20120Installment not Available..
20121Please generate new OTP..
20122The functionality is not supported for submerchant.
20601Invalid tracking ID/ customer acc number given for the payout transaction.
20602Merchant required to proceed delete token request..
20605Invalid product amount and quantity..
20606AccountID or TerminalID requested by you is not valid for your account. Please check your technical specification..
20607Account ID-payment brand or payment mode or currency requested by you is not valid for your account. Please check your technical specification..
20608Account ID or Currency requested by you is not valid for your account. Please check your technical specification..
20609Account ID or Payment Brand requested by you is not valid for your account. Please check your technical specification..
20610Partial Refund Not Allowed..
20611Invalid Rupay card.
20612Your VPA address is blocked. Please contact support for further assistance.
20613Your Phone No. is blocked. Please contact support for further assistance.
30121Try to forgot password again after one hour..
90028Your BankAccountNo is Blocked. Please contact support for further assistance.
90029Exceed OTP Generation LIMIT, Please Initiate New Transaction.
00033Exceed OTP Generation limit, Please try after an hour.
00032Your Account has been Locked. Kindly Contact the Support Desk..

Response codes for reference validation

Response CodeResponse Description
40001Invalid payment ID or payment ID not found.
40002Invalid amount / Amount is not matching with requested amount.
40003 Invalid currency / Currency is not matching with requested currency.
40004Registration ID already deleted.
40005Invalid registration ID or registration ID not found.

Response codes for validation

Response CodeResponse Description
7455Invalid Time Zone.
10182Invalid authToken, authToken cannot be empty.
10183Invalid expiry date offset, expiry date offset can be [0-9].
10184Invalid Customer ID.
20115Invoice is not paid.
30001Invalid member ID, member ID should not be empty and should be numeric with max length 10.
30002Invalid totype.
30003Invalid amount, amount should not be empty and accepts only [0-9] and .(single point) with max length 12.
30004Invalid description/ merchantTransactionID, description/ merchantTransactionID/ transaction ID should not be empty and accepts only [0-9][a-z][A-Z] space with max length 100.
30005Invalid payment type.
30006Invalid card type, accepts only [0-9] with max length 5.
30007Invalid terminal ID, accepts only [0-9] with max length 6.
30008Invalid order description, accepts only [0-9][a-z][A-Z] with max length 255 .
30009Invalid IP address, accepts only [0-9].(point) with max length 50.
30010Invalid email address, accepts only [0-9][a-z][A-Z]@._-'% with max length 100.
30011Invalid city, accepts only [0-9][a-z][A-Z].,-/[space]#;&~` with max length 50.
30012Invalid street/ address, street should not be empty and max length 100.
30013Invalid zip CODE/ postal CODE, accepts only [0-9][a-z][A-Z]- with min length 2 and max length 10.
30014Invalid state, accepts only [0-9][a-z][A-Z] with max length 40. For US states provide 2 letter code, Ex: NJ for New Jersey.
30015Invalid telephone number, accepts only [0-9] with max length 24.
30016Invalid telephone number country code, accepts only [0-9] with max length 4.
30017Invalid country code, accepts only [0-9][a-z][A-Z] with max length 3.
30018Invalid invoice number, invoice ID should not be empty.
30019Invalid card number, card number should not be empty and accept only [0-9] with max length 19.
30020Invalid card holder first name, first name should not be empty and max length 30 to 50 depending on the bank.
30021Invalid card holder last name, last name should not be empty and max length 30 to 50 depending on the bank.
30022Invalid CVV, accepts only numeric[0-9] with max length 3 or 4 depending on the bank.
30023Invalid expiry month, expiry month should not be empty and should be numeric[0-9] with max length 2.
30024Invalid expiry year, expiry year should not be empty and should be numeric[0-9] with max length 4.
30025Invalid customer IP address, accepts only [0-9].(point) with max length 50.
30026Invalid birthdate, birthdate should not be empty and should be in YYYYMMDD.
30027Invalid language, language field accepts [A-Z] with max length 3, please enter language in capital letters only.
30028Invalid Social Security Number(SSN), SSN should be numeric[0-9] with max length 9.
30029Invalid redirect URL, kindly pass valid redirect url with max length 255.
30030Invalid checksum.
30031Invalid currency, currency should not be empty and accepts only [a-z][A-Z] with max length 3.
30032Invalid template amount, TMPL amount should not be empty and accept only [0-9] and . (single point) with max length 10.
30033Invalid template currency, TMPL currency should not be empty and accepts only [a-z][A-Z] with max length 3.
30034Invalid reserve field 1, (eg.(Y/y)|(day/month/year)|(1-31)|(1-28) with max length 20.
30035Request should not be empty.
30036Invalid payment ID, payment ID should not be empty and accepts only numeric values with max length 11.
30037Invalid member ID OR member ID is misconfigured.
30038Invalid reason or reason not provided.
30039Invalid reserve field 2-(eg.(CC|cc|PC|pc|PS|ps)|(0-9)|(0-9) with max length 50.
30040Invalid payment brand or payment mode, payment brand and payment mode should not be empty and accepts only alphabetical valule with max lenth 10.
30041Invalid user login or user login cannot be empty and accepts only alphanumeric values.
30042Invalid user password or user password cannot be empty.
30043Card holder name can not be empty or card holder name is invalid.
30044Transaction type should not be empty or invalid transaction type.
30045Invalid recurring type or recurring type should not be empty and accepts only (INITIAL).
30046No token created.
30047Invalid create registration or create registration cannot be empty. Accepts only (true).
30048Invalid or missing parameter.
30049Invalid registration ID, registration ID should not be empty and accepts alphanumeric values only.
30050Partner cannot register token.
30051No records found.
30052Invalid or missing parameter.
30053 Invalid BIC, BIC should not be empty and accepts alphanumeric values with max length 11.
30054Invalid IBAN, IBAN should not be empty and accepts alphanumeric values with max length 40.
30055Invalid partner ID OR partner ID is misconfigured.
30056Card or account not registered.
30057Invalid payment type/ action type should not be empty.
30058Invalid CC/Bank account holder or CC/Bank account holder cannot be empty. Accepts only alphanumeric values.
30059Invalid action type, accepts only DELETE.
30060You can get the transaction details with action type (GET).
30061Invalid card details encryption.
30062Invalid response type and accepts only value as "XML/JSON".
30063Invalid payment brand or payment mode, payment brand and payment mode should not be empty and accepts only alphabetical value with max length 10.
30064No records found.
30065Invalid account number. Account number should not be empty, accepts only [0-9].
30066Invalid routing number. Routing number should not be empty, accepts only [0-9].
30067Invalid account type. Account type should not be empty, accepts only (PC|pc|PS|ps|CC|cc).
30068You can not reverse the transaction(Transaction exceeds refund expiry ).
30069Invalid payment mode, payment mode should not be empty and accepts only alphabetical value with max length 10.
30070Password and confirm password are not matching..
30071Invalid login name, login name should not be empty. Accepts only [A-Za-z0-9].
30072Invalid company name, company name should not be empty, accepts only [A-Za-z0-9].
30073Invalid website, website should not be empty.
30074Invalid gender, gender should not be empty. Accepts only (MALE\FEMALE).
30075Invalid CustomerId, CustomerId should not be empty and should be numeric with Max Length 100.
30076MemberId Or PartnerId invalid, MemberId Or PartnerId should not be empty and should be numeric with max length 10.
30077Invalid Action_Type and Accept only alphabets with Max Lenght 6.
30078Invalid customer name, customer name should not be empty, accepts only [A-Za-z0-9].
30079Invalid RegistrationId, RegistrationId should not be empty..
30080Invalid Cancel invoice reason, Cancel invoice reason should not be empty and should not be more than 50 char.
30081Invoice expiration time is invalid..
30082Invalid CVV, CVV should not be empty, accepts only [0-9] length 3.
30083Invalid FirstName,First name should not be empty and Max Length 32.
30084Invalid LastName,Last name should not be empty and Max Length 32.
30085Invalid merchantInvoiceID, merchantInvoiceID should not be empty and accepts only [0-9][a-z][A-Z] space with max length 35.
30086Invalid merchant contact name, contact name should not be empty and accepts only [A-Za-z0-9.].
30087Invalid Records,Records should not be empty.
30088Invalid From date,Should not be empty ,Accepts only in [DD/MM/YYYY].
30089Invalid To date,Should not be empty ,Accepts only in [DD/MM/YYYY].
30090Invalid Start,Should be not empty.
30091Invalid End,Should not be empty.
30092Invalid Country.
30093Invalid GST ,Accept only numbers with max length 10.
30095One or more invalid input parameters entered.
30096Invalid mandate ID, mandate ID cannot be empty.
30097Invalid Notification URL, kindly pass valid Notification URL.
30098Invalid walletid ,walletid should not be empty.
30099Invalid wallet amount ,wallet amount should not be empty.
30100Invalid wallet currency ,wallet currency should not be empty.
30101Invalid payment Type & Card Type.
30102Invalid MemberId,MemberId should not be empty and should be numeric with Max Length 10 for Market Place.
30103Amount should not be empty and Accept only [0-9] and . (Single point) with Max length 12 for Market Place.
30104Orderid should not be empty for Market Place.
30105Accept only [0-9][a-z][A-Z] with Max Length 255 for Market Place.
30106Amount Mismatch.
30107Market Place Parameters are Incomplete.
30108Invalid Installment period..
30109Total grand amount should be equal to total amount.
30110Transaction receipt should not be empty..
30111Payment provider not found..
30112Enter valid VPA address..
30113Invalid check number. Account check should not be empty, accepts only [0-9].
30114Invalid First_six Number, accepts only [0-9] with max length 6.
30115Invalid Last Four Number, accepts only [0-9] with max length 4.
30116Invalid Bank Ifsc Code.
30117Invalid Bank Account Number,Accept only[0-35] Numbers Only.
30118From Date Should not be greater then To Date.
30119Invalid AccountId and Accept only [0-9] with Max Length 10.
30120Invalid latefee, latefee should not be empty and accepts only [0-9] and .(single point) with max length 12.
30121Invalid product amount, product amount accepts only [0-9] and .(single point) with max length 12.
30122Invalid Product description, Product description accepts only [0-9][a-z][A-Z] space with max length 100.
30123Invalid quantity, quantity accepts only [0-9] with max length 5.
30124Invalid product total, product total accepts only [0-9] and .(single point) with max length 12.
30125Invalid quantity total, quantity total accepts only [0-9] with max length 5.
30126Invalid client transaction id, Client transaction id should not be empty should be numeric with Max Length 20.
30127Invalid payment id, payment id should not be empty with Max Length 255.
30128Invalid purchase identifier.
30129Invalid idType, IdType accept only PID and MID..
30130invalid page no,pageno should not be empty.
30134Invalid call type.
30135Invalid Payment Terms.
30136Invalid Unit.
30137Invalid Default Unit.
30138Invalid Device..
50757Invalid Date Format.
90030Invalid Bank Name,Accepts only [A-Za-z].
90031Invalid Branch Name,Accepts only [A-Za-z].
90032Invalid Bank Code,Accept only numeric[0-9].
90033Invalid Account Type,Accepts only [A-Za-z].
90034Invalid Branch Code,Accept only numeric[0-9].

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